Until 4 this afternoon, I'll be here in this chair, in class, learning. What follows will be a list of some of the more enlightening thoughts that venture across my frontal lobes.
8:13- I'm pretty sure that I could hang glide without any training.
8:49- Where can I go to adopt a monkey? How much does it cost to adopt a monkey anyway?
9:25- Is it to early to think about lunch? What am I hungry for today? Jimmy John's? Nah.
9:30- Maybe soup, is today a soupy day? It could easily become one.
11:01- Is flying a helicopter hard?
11:08- I should buy a model helicopter.
11:23- I for sure should be break dancing right now.
12:15- If I really needed to, I could probably perform surgery on myself.
12:16- There has to be instructions on the internet for doing just that.
12:17- I'd break a model helicopter in under 4 minutes.
1:08- I'm pretty sure this swivel chair is sinking.
1:26- yep, the hydraulics on this chair sinks every 20 minutes.
2:03- if you stop using your brain, or portions of your brain for long enough does it turn to jello?
2:07- should I delete all of the "the's" from band names in my itunes playlist? This would put everything in order and get rid of the "the-lump" at the bottom of my list
3:19- I could beat up Thomas Jefferson, but not Lincoln
3:25- I'm actually not so sure about Jefferson anymore.
3:55- Why didn't I know that Scott had a surfing kite?
3:57- Where can I get the monkey?
4:02- if I had a chance to drive through a loop with my car, I'd do it. Man, why isn't there a huge mini-golf course that you'd have to use your car as the ball? Someone needs to get on that.
4:09- Bees v. Squirrels, who wins?
4:16- free, sucker