Tuesday, April 11, 2006

It's either this or Milliway's.

At the risk of closing down the comment war that has ensued over the all too controversial monkey ad scheme, I'd like to present a new line of thought:
My Fictional restaurants.

Along the lines of my theories that I carry with me, I have several (two) restaurant ideas that I carry with me, constantly improving, always looking for financial backing and easily liquidatible capital with which to abscond with. Easily enough said.

The second idea is the newest, and perhaps could just be relegated to a theme day of the first.
The name of this restaurant is up to you as I know creativity knows no breeding grounds than a blog commentary.
Basic Gist: My restaurant will only serve items that are better the second day. This extends the menu to include, but not limit to: Mac and Cheese, Hamburger Helper, any casserole, pizza (served cold), cinnamon rolls, and anything you could think of that might be better as result of the aging process carried out deep in the recesses of a refridge, tucked under tin foil.

This idea may or may not be better than the first idea, "Plate o' Food". The hook here establishes that you as a patron will enter into "Plate o' Food" and order just that. A plate o' food. You have no control what comes out of the kitchen from that point forward. It could be scrambled eggs with a selection of doughnuts, it could be lobster with a pb and j side. The selection changes every night; You never know at the unpredictable world of "Plate o' Food".

To compensate for the slim menu, "Plate o' Food" advertises an extremely deep beverage menu.


Blogger C_thegreat said...

No, I already closed down the comment war, give me my credit!

I've been trying to convince my dad to quit his job and open a restaurant. I even drew up plans and a menu for a western theme one (so we could hang Seven Brides For Seven Brothers posters/memorabilia up and wear belt buckles) but he said he'd only do a chain, because he doesn't know what he's doing. He is, however, a menu master of both restaurant ideas you pitched.

But the most important question: what ambience would your restaurant have? People don't go because of food, they go for atmosphere.


9:01 PM  
Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

I've been a big supporter of "Plate O' Food" since its inception. Although you'd never get the picky eaters that seem to represent a vast proportion of the population, I think we'd all be better off not having them around.

And the ambiance at "Plate O' Food"? Sufficiently wacky.

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That "Plate O Food" idea seems a little familiar. Sort of reminds me of that book you gave to Layla, "Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs". And by the way, Layla would deffinately not eat there. She would be more into a restaurant that served the same thing over and over again for 2 weeks and then changed to something different. Right now, unless yogurt is the main course, she's not down for it. Love, Carrie

12:16 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

My favorite resturant idea, well besides my old Ice Cream place, was an actual resturant called "Steak and Salad." When you came in, you didn't get a menu, you were just asked what you would like to drink, what salad dressing, and how would you like your steak done. Its an incredibly efficent resturant. And think of the low overhead costs. You don't have to buy all kinds of foods... just steak and salad. I'd eat there.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

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4:17 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

Corie, thanks for putting forth a lot more thought than I predicted would generate.
Neither idea is classy enough to be classy, Plate o' Food may be summer-camp wacky, with singalongs and enouraged food fights. I'd like "Play it Again" to feel like its perpetutualy 7:05 Thursday night and Mom's not home to make anything.

6:39 PM  

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