Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Reminders, Boring Stuff, Redeemed by Ridiculous

Alright, as promised, here's your one month reminder. That's right, one month has already flown by since the New Year started, I know what you're saying, "But Josh, it's only been 30 days!" That's right my friend, January can do that to you when you're not looking. So I hope that your New Year's resolutions are doing well. I'm doing my best to run and get my chess game where it should be.
If you're slacking- C'mon Rocky, dig deep, the Gipper still needs one more.

As promised, the boring:(Don't fear, the ridiculous is close behind. Don't you dare skip down to cheat. Scott, I'm looking your way.)
Wait for it, Wait for it....
That's incredible! I know that I don't have to tell you that this chess game went on to stun bystanders (Allyn) and kept them on the edge of their seats(not even close to true) for hours(this is the closest thing to the truth). This concludes my submission for this year's Dullards- an open competition for the dullest blog entry.

Hopefully this can be redeemed by the Internet Product of the Week: The Smitten. Just what is the Smitten? Besides an all-too-clever play on words as your product name? It is a joint mitten to solve that pesky problem of holding hands on a cold winters day. Just what do you do when you want to hold the hand of that special person and muffs have all but gone out of style in the 1900's? Easy, the Smitten!


Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

Wow. Nicely done, Ro. Your rankor is impressive.

12:39 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

Seriously, I don't even know where that came from... but I'm impressed. Josh, that was a seemingly exciting post for your dullards comp. I say we need to pick a day in advance and advertise. It'll be awesome.

1:39 AM  

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