Friday, January 20, 2006

One lump of Gamma or Two?

Let's suppose that by gamma ray exposure you have gained short-lived total control of the English language. I know, if I was going to get hit with some gamma action, I'd want it to be worth it, but it's My-Rules-Friday, nothing I can do about it.
And with this kung-fu grip on the English language, as your powers fade you have the capability to eradicate one catchphrase from the English lexicon forever, it will never come back, no one will ever think to utter it again. Anyone? Thoughts?

Easy choice: Git r' Done. I have no idea how this became popular, no idea how it remains popular, or that it even has practical application. On a deeply subconscious level, that phrase remains bonded with a left hook, can't be avoided.

Seriously though, where can I get some Gamma Rays? That's what My-Rules-Friday needs, more Gamma Rays. I'll get Scott to shoot me with his can-tenna.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Git R collar comedy tour...come on!!! i am assuming that your lack of enthusiasm stems from never seeing it or having no relatives from the south that even come close to the lines of redneck...cuz if you do, that right there is funny!

11:42 AM  
Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

Boo, j fi. Boo. Objective analysis has clearly found that "git r done" is NOT funny. And I once made myself watch Blue Collar Comedy Tour until I couldn't stand it anymore and those 5 minutes did nothing to change my initial impression.

I vehemently agree with Josh.

Although "hit the spot" is pretty high up there.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didnt say it was WRONG to dislike it...i just said that you either havent seen it (which you apparently have) or you dont have family members like that (im guessing you dont)...nothing wrong with that...just an observation. did i say i go around screaming git r done? no...but i do understand why some like the phrase...i learned this from one of my best friends in college ( her saying git r done was funnier than the phrase ever coule be)...and lastly, dont boo me timmy for allowing other people their preferences...where has the love gone in the world?

4:53 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

without booing anyone, I'll say that I have family members who very well DO fit those descriptions... and LOVE Foxworthy and BC Comedy. I'm very familiar with it... and the when I hear "Get er done" it makes my skin crawl. I too tried to force myself to watch it, but I had the same reaction to it as I do to country music: Hives, nausea and migranes.

8:51 PM  

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