Tuesday, January 31, 2006

50th Post, where's my parade?

To explain what the ark of the covenant was doing in the back of a 3rd grade classroom, a teacher had constructed one to teach about the tabernacle, the 10 Commandments, and what exactly seraphim is.
Estimates do place the actual Ark deep within a national archives, but they pretty much showed us the location at the end of the Indiana Jones movie, I can totally remember where it is, end of the row, all the way down, at the bottom of the stack. Show me the warehouse, get me a forklift, I'll get you an ark in 20 minutes.
I tried to tell the kids about the last people who touched the Ark (they died), they already knew. I hope none of those kids were Nazis, they're goners for sure.

I'll be over here in the corner, just looking the other way. Is that really the best way to avoid danger? No thanks Danger, I'll be averting my gaze if it's the same to you.

Rob beat me in chess last night, but I have a sneaking suspicion I'm getting better. Seriously, who wants a game? Give me a call.


Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

Josh, let's play mail chess. We'll both have a board and mail each other our moves. No e-mail. We rock this old school. I'll have you beat within a year.

P.S. What's with the bit about Danger? You're averaging about one incredibly strange non sequitur per post these days. Everything okay, brother? You're not trying to send me a code or something, are you? Let's talk.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

Bro, It's they way not to die when the Nazis open the Ark. Just look away, you'll be alright. Man, I thought that I'd get called for a blantant steal from I love the 80's.
And I'm so torn up to see everyone in the OC so down.
I mean, I love red meat.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

How is it that you missed that parade? Don't you remember? It was the stream of white guys steadily leaving the chessboard last night. Zing!

No, actually it was a real close game, it was more of a matter of which one of us were going to trip over our own moves the least. I just lucked out in the end.

As far as the extended period chess games, take my word for it... its not worth it. Phil and I tried it, when we were both in Jerseyville just leaving notes on eachother's cars. We lost interest in about a month (we'll say 10 moves a piece). Fun at first, but in the end, would have been better to just sit two hours aside and duke it out.

5:21 PM  
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1:18 AM  

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