Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Secrets, let's get it out there.

All this talk of school and classes, what is that about? Currently I'm at seminary selling a kidney for books and if I'm lucky I'll still have renal function when the day is done. However, I do have my intermediate Greek this afternoon, so I'm not going to make any promises. In other news, I'm glad that everyone(all three of us) hit their posting stride and made some exceptional observations about either how cool they are, or how dumb other blogs are. Few of the truely exceptional bloggers accomplished both.
This morning, let's get some secrets out on the table. I'm addicted to the "next blog" button on the top of all blogspot blogs. After I get done with a daily dose of banter I can feel it up in the top right hand corner and my mouse starts to quiver ever so slightly. The benefit of this function is that blogger will take you to a random blog in hopes you might like it. I like to think of blogger as a really energetic golden lab who's none to swift on the uptake, but would like nothing more than to make you really, really happy about the next blog.
The next blog is, inevitably, someone's poetry they haven't updated in nine weeks, something in another language, or blogger insisting that I must have really wanted to gamble in an online casino on a deep unconscious level or an ad for just that couldn't have just shown up. And for this, my lab is really, really excited.
I've seen the blogworld my friends, and it's not pretty, more than that, it's none too interesting. I'm suggesting that we forge a trail into the wilderness, and see if there is life out there, hopefully entertaining. But I'll just settle for something that's updated frequently in a language I can read.

A sub-secret, I get hooked on stupid java and flash games. Not all the time, I only get hooked when I have to write papers and do important things.


Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

"Kidneys: Everybody Can Spare One" is currently the slogan of the apartment.

I also love the "next blog" button. It's kind of ridiculous what kind of terrible detritus is just floating around out there. I find it hard to believe that anyone would go to and consider it an authoritative source.

Grammar lesson of the day: In a phrase like "none to interesting," why don't we go ahead and slap another o on that to? Just to make it the modifier "too" instead of the preposition "to." These are the things that separate us from the 14-year-old Xanga writers, bro. They're all we've got.

6:01 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

Blah, Blah, why don't you learn to write hentai in characters nerd. Oh yeah?
I can read Greek.
Thanks, I went back and corrected it, and was on the verge of deleting your comment as well, but thought that might lead down roads left untraveled.

6:42 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

And how about you resize a picture of me that I can put up, c'mon you've got the camera.
Oh, and Al's screaming for wedding pictures.
Literally, she comes home everyday and screams at my laptop while your blog is up.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

Also, "golden lab who's none TOO swift" and "few of the TRULY exceptional." Drop the e in truly. Okay, I'm done. It'll never happen again.

Pics are in your inbox to make it up to you.

Also, I'm working on a BIG picture post. I think Allyn will be pleasantly surprised come tomorrow...

10:51 PM  

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