Friday, February 03, 2006

AAAAAAAnd- I'm gone to Chicago.
Thought for the day- If had a pirate ship what would you name it?
You people need to have this on the tip of your tongue in case the opportunity presents itself.


Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

Weird. It says you have a comment, but I don't see it. I feel bad. Here's a commment for you.

All land-lubbers quake in their stylish yet affordable boots whene'er the name "Take It Down a Notch" is uttered.

"I heard the ship 'Take It Down a Notch' can outrun the moon itself," they whisper in shady watering holes.

Ladies of the night offer their ill-begotten wares for half-price if you are on the crew of "Take It Down a Notch."

Some say, even today, when the moon is out and the sky is clear, you can still see the outline of the fair ship "Take It Down a Notch" on the horizon...

1:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the "Emerald Diamond" that's got a winning ring to it. Or something regal like, the "Joshy II". Maybe "Pirates R Us", now that would send a clear message out to everyone!


7:15 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

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7:34 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

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7:37 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

3rd Time's a Charm. (Sorry it's an intense question)

I can only assume that by asking me this, what you were really asking is what would be the name of my Ninjaship. In which case it would be: Piratebane. But that's simply the english translation. Its really closer to "Pirate Death that slithers through the water like a snake on its belly and strikes directly into the heart of that stinking Pirate Scum."

Dirty Pirate Lovers

7:44 AM  

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