Thursday, December 29, 2005

Ready or Not, Blogolutions

Like it or not, the New Year is almost upon us. And this means that the great tradition of Resolutions, and the following lesser celebrated tradition of breaking those resolutions in mid-February is right on it's heels. But wait, is this the best we can do as a society? Can't we strive for better? Don't we wish for more?
Here's the challenge: I'll be posting my resolutions on my blog, everyone who wishes can also post theirs as well under the comments section. If you don't wish to publicly divulge, great. But if it's hilarious, it would be better if you shared.
I'll save those resolutions and re-post reminders at one month, four months, and eight months from New Year's. At which point, we'll collectively see who's still in and how we're doing on the bettering of the human race.

2006- To Do:
1. Improve my Chess game- I've already started, I got a book and try to play everyday. If anyone wants someone to beat, I'm your man. Give me a call.
2. Build a trebuchet capable of tossing a cue ball- Nerdy? Perhaps. Jealous? You will be, when I hit your car with a cue ball and you didn't think to build one first.
3. Improve fitness level- Always a good all-around resolution. Potential for earliest compromise.
4. Something else when I think of it- I'm sure I should have more, and probably will, so I'll fill this slot in later.

Here's the deal, get your own resolutions up, and we'll all remind ourselves to do them. And as backup, this blog will be keeping track and hassle you if you're fading. No, really, I'm writing these down right now. There might even be prizes for the steely individual who keeps their blogolution the longest.
Again, probably not. But bragging rights are always free.


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