Thursday, October 20, 2005

Boolean Operators v. Actual Operators

This one has actually been kicking around my noggin for some time. A week ago, for no other reason then boredom, (usually a very good indication of what is to come) I wondered what the inside of my dishwasher looked like when it was going. This thought only survived in my mind for a few more seconds before it was intercepted by common sense, attempted to explained itself, what it was doing just hanging out, what business it had there, did it have an appointment, and then was promptly thrown out via the ear. Before it was thrown out, it did explain that it didn't want to simply know how the dishwasher works, no it would be a much more interactive experience if it could SEE how it worked with the water sloshing around and such. It was precisely at this time that common sense kicked in, and pondered what a ridiculous idea that actually was. Which leads me to the idea of Instantly Horrible Ideas (or S.C.O.T.T.'s for short, I'm not sure that it's a hard and fast rule that acronyms have to correspond, plus, it's still my blog) This is why I've devised an easy process for identifying potential S.C.O.T.T.'s in the process:

Potential S.C.O.T.T. Risk if:
- this idea could drive the plot of any number of sit com's. (i.e. The Brady Bunch, Matlock, Dukes of Hazzard)
-you're instantly ashamed that you could think something at that level
-even so, you secretly want this idea to happen
-Scott actually said it
-you can't propose the idea to anyone with a straight face
-after several rounds of nay-saying, this still seems like a great idea to you
-when no one is home, the dishwasher pleads to be opened up when it's running

With this helpful list you can identify and label all your ideas and promptly follow all of them, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to put my digital camera in the dishwasher, that'll solve everything. Readers, you're more then welcome to share.


Blogger Rob said...

In general, after living with Scott, I would say like to add a few things to that list.

- If you're using an item for something completely different from what it was intended for. (Car Wash for dishes)

- If your reasoning for doing something that you thought would be cool was: It works in the movies. (thinking you can grab the string to the miniblinds as you dive through... we are still missing a set of miniblinds because of that.)

- If it involves swords (chopping boxes, gashing the ceiling, simple swordplay.)

11:00 AM  
Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

That whole description of the inner workings of your mind seemed vaguely Douglas Adams-ian. Intentional?

I think you should just run every idea past Allyn and see if she starts skipping around or just rolls her eyes. That seems like a pretty good barometer.

4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have time Josh, you could also investgate on whether the light stays on or goes off in the refridgerator when you close the door...

yr m-i-l B ;)

10:20 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Sweet, I have a whole idea system named after me! I should be ashamed, but I'm making T-shirts. $10 bucks each or free with a flashing (from da ladies!)

Meanwhile, I have the answer to your quandry. Nothing will happen. It clicks off as soon as it detects that the door is open. What you need to do is get some clear sheet styrene and fashion yourself a see through fake door. You'll have to cut the top part to fit the small plastic clip that goes in the slot so the dishwasher knows it's OK to spray scalding hot water in every direction. Then duct tape the sides so said water cannot escape. Step four: enjoy.

It's also possible to bake a potato in the diswasher. Try it!

- Scott

P.S. I need to visit your blog more, it's some quality stuff. Top shelf good sir, top shelf.

2:35 PM  

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