Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Where can I get that job?

Walking through Michaels, the arts and crafts store, as I'm now more prone to do now that I'm married. Before I was married I would only walk into hobby stores to find cool stuff like wood to make my trebuchet out of or, um, other cool stuff...sigh

Something I was struck with, besides just how many types of craft glue exist, is perhaps the best job in the world. In my defense, the job itself is not in Michaels, although Al might fight tooth and nail to tell me otherwise. No, the job is being a frame model. The photo that comes with the frame showing a pivotal point in your life, graduation, your granddaughter learning to ride a bike, Jane's first day at college, all without the benefit of actually knowing these people. These pictures are usually removed and discarded but I'm interested in getting hooked up with that job. Do these people have a whole day where they suit up in tuxes to shoot a wedding with someone they've never met? Maybe then they scurry over to the graduation set just in time to have the whole wedding party graduate high school together. What if it was a whole day of taking pictures that were other people's pretend memories? I could do that job, I'm no gap model, but I can be excited about pretend things. On my best days I've been known to pretend that the Cubs are an actual baseball team. I could take a picture being pretend excited at our JV baseball tournament...yeah...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you actually could do that...seriously...just pull out the permanent smile discovered on your wedding day...lol. as for those pictures...here is a job for you. look for one that could actually be saved (cut the words off the bottom so it looks normal) because grandma fike puts EVERY picture she gets around the holidays on the fridge...whether she rembers them or not...we have a theory that if we send her one of those cute family pictures of misc people, she will still put it on her frisge and then when we visit, humor will ensue. SO...if you feel up to joining the conspiracy, sweet deal. i know it's weird, but do you remember us from the wedding...that should be explanation enough. love to you and al!

jess :0)

12:10 PM  
Blogger Rob said...

Quirky. Original. I think you're falling into this blogging thing quite nicely Mr Ryder Sir. As a bonus with your job of being a frame model, this of all the cool photos you'll have of yourself to utalize at will... just to mess with people. "Yeah, that's me and Sandra, my first wife (picture). We both graduated from Yale together (picture) but then she went off to fight for our country (picture) and it was too much strain on our relationship."

Also, in responce to your question yesterday about people taking the weekend off blogging... I don't know what the deal with that is. That was my schtick (posting Mon-Fri) but now Tim and Scott are just being lazy.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my husband is uber cool for shopping at Michaels with me. how was i supposed to know all of this was going on in his mind at the same time i was asking, which frame do you like better? red or red? do you like this garland of berries or the other? such pivotal questions.
as far as the "fake pictures" go...i think those people and situations are totally enviable. i mean seriously, who wouldn't want someone to be around with a camera right when your guy says something funny and you laugh in an attractive way, or the day your dog got a bath and is actually walking beside you for once instead of in front, as you happen to be walking down a path with the trees in the background..and yet, i ramble.
sorry josh.

4:17 PM  

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