Monday, October 17, 2005

monday, double or so

Is this what blogging is? No one blogs on the weekend? Anyway, a very exciting weekend here. An Illinois College homecoming and two, count them, movie review coming at you. Allyn and I saw Mr.Crowe's Elizabethtown this weekend. Results: one and three-quarters thumbs up(accident with a table grinder). However, if you've already seen Garden State you might prefer that, the soundtrack does edge it out in front. Second, Ong-Bak, see it, plain and simple. This movie is not like Garden State, and has a silly soundtrack. However, the main character uses no stunt doubles, CGI, or wires in the entire movie. To prepare for this movie Tony Jaa trained four years in Muay Boran exclusively for this role. For those of you who don't know what Muay Boran is (and honestly, who doesn't?) check it out. Honestly, a martial arts form that emphasizes the use of knees and elbows? Not only does it look awkward, it's one of the most beautiful awkward I've seen, besides my brother.

And, the bigger news of the weekend, Allyn finished her puzzle and it looks awesome. I'm so proud of that girl. I'll have pictures up as soon as I can(find that darn digital camera).

Question to think about: What weapon or martial art would you devote yourself to if current said job or vocation fell through and zombies invaded? Discuss.


Blogger Rob said...

Zombies are invading, eh? Well, in general I'm a big fan of martial arts where breaking of knees and elbows and dislocation of shoulders (sorry Josh). But I don't think that would be too helpful against the legions of the undead. You gotta take the head off, right? Katana and Bo Staff are both wicked awesome, but wouldn't be useful indoors... I'd rather have something small and one in each hand for mobility. My Kamas are always frickin' sweet, or maybe just two short blades (like the tanto or something).

Wait are we using Movie Laws and unlimited ammo? or can I be a grammaton cleric? I'm just going to pretend guns aren't an option for now.

10:56 AM  
Blogger C_thegreat said...

what about using records.
greatest scene from any movie ever (or at least that I can come up with right now and my brain is not working very clearly--I'm on fall break...) is in Shaun of the Dead, when they realize they can kill the zombie by chucking records at it. I have enough vinyl, but then again, I don't want to do that to them! (Except maybe for that Jonny Mathis one...)

I would devote myself to spoken word as a weapon. That'd be awesome, and I wouldn't ever even have to get up off the couch.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just wanted to agree... elizabethtown really does remind one of garden state doesnt it?
besides, i thought a direct note to you would be nice since im always saying hi through allyn. so hello from the two cousins in CA...(ashley told me to say hi for her too)

6:48 PM  
Blogger tara d. said...

this style of martial arts sounds ridiculously intriguing. man. maybe i choose that v. the zombies. that, or guns. guns count, right?

your bro is beautiful awkward. speaking of, someday soon, you should come visit!

p.s., corey, shaun of the dead is fantastic. amen.

11:28 AM  

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