Monday, February 20, 2006

Trivia Night, or Can you really OD on Pop Culture?

This last weekend Allyn and I had the opportunity to help our friends make that hallowed transition from apartment to house. I guess it's hallowed, I'd like to have a house only so that I could have a dog. However, some might say this is a misappropriation in priorities. And to them I would say that you've already exceeded your daily allotment in syllables, and its my blog, what are you doing with your own comments anyway? All this to say that we put together a team for a trivia night later that day.
If you've never done a trivia competition as yet, I would say that you deserve to. One of the main considerations is proper team selection. This is to ensure that there's always someone who has neat handwriting and someone to remember what that hangy-ball throat thing is called. Anyone that you add to those two individuals is only providing depth to your team. However, if those two people are one in the same, you've probably got it in the bag.
The night was divided up into about 12 topics, 10 questions each topic. First topic, Harry Potter, Allyn ran the topic with her eyes closed, however because of this someone else had to write the answers.
We were flying through topics, Fictional Characters(easy), Movie Titles with numbers in them(challenge us please), Saturday Night Live (Tim, we could have used you). Everything was going fine. Until..
U of I Basketball, 04-05 season.
Our team went 0 for 10. However all the college frat teams were now 10 for 40, and considered this a moral victory.

I'm continually amazed at how much I have stored in my brain, and how much of it has nothing to do with sports.
There's another trivia night next week, we're launching into it with a stacked team.


Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

There better be an SNL category on Friday. I'm itching to be useful.

2:43 PM  
Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

It's true. Joanna has been enamored with you guys ever since she first saw, which I'm sad to see is no longer functional.

3:48 PM  

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