Monday, February 20, 2006

25 years, still delivers

Joanna- not knowing each other shouldn't put a damper on a great friendship. Allyn and I have tons of friends that we don't know and never talk to. We just don't see them as much as we'd like.

I spent 30 minutes yesterday watching the end of Bedknobs and Broomsticks, a Disney film from 1971, although I lump it in with today's topic. During my time in Ms.Brown's music class, when I wasn't watching Alf, we were watching Bedknobs and Broomsticks. With those kinds of music fundamentals, I'm not sure how I even know how to read music now.
Reflecting on the this movie, I can't help but be reminded how much it rules. Sure I like things that blow up in high definition and not seeing strings during special effect shots. But there's something comforting about clunky movie magic, or just how memorized a film can become.

A recent growing list that I like to call: 80's Films that Still Deliver.
To qualify for this list, it has to be a film, doesn't even has to be from the 80's, but the early 90's really should be the cut off. If Steve Guttenberg stars, it's on this list for sure.
Basically, if you were mature enough to have a kid, these would be the movies you'd start them on. Anything high-def will blow synapses in an infants brain. I'm sure there's research to back this up.
(more thinking on this: if I do have a kid, how much cinema do I have to catch this kid up on? My thoughts are that going back to the original Star Wars and Back to the Future series forward to present day should serve until the kid is old enough to work a remote for himself.)

Nominations to the list begins now.


Blogger Rob said...

Holy Crap Josh, Do you want me to do this entire list myself? I could just run down my entirely legal movie collection. Eh, I'll give some others a crack at it. My first nomination was a wonderful present I got as a Groomsman in a wedding. Coincidentally, Scott and I just watched it last week:

A robotic lifeform is created in a lab and a scientist with an overactive coinsence frees him into the world. The robo-kid was adopted by a family and turns out to be awesome at little league for one.

Most Memorable Scene as a kid: When Daryl plays Pole Position (on a Commodore possibly??) and totally kicks butt a the game. I always sucked at that one as a kid.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the goonies....classic.
and if i am feeling giving, maybe even the original neverending story...

12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i TOTALLY forgot the original muppet movie trilogy of the muppet movie, the great muppet caper and muppets take least muppets take manhattan should be on the list!

12:22 PM  

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