Monday, December 12, 2005

Bah, Humblog

Great, now that I've blown my best blog title obscenely early for a Christmas blog I'll just have to depend upon inspiration to suddenly settle down on me for a zinger of a Christmas post. The last time that happened, well, I'm not sure it's happened before, but you're free to draw your own conclusions. In the typical form for recording more than I have room for(lazy might factor in as well), I'll be reporting in bullets, as well as bullet time.

- Something so cliche, I'm not sure it actually happened, but I can verify that it does. Chuck E. Cheese's for a two year olds birthday. I was there, I witnessed it. Are you kidding? Free Cake. Mr. Cheese himself came out and danced, there were animatronic monkeys, and one of them even sang the Boar's Head Carol, no kidding. Latin and all. I'm pretty sure it was the junction point of the space-time continuum when the Italian Chef at the drumset sings the Latin I memorized in high school back to me.

-Also, I'm pretty sure the Chuck E. Cheese's that I went to as a kid was more of the ShowBiz feel, there was a strobe room where you fed a token in and then you could jump around and give your friends epilepsy. Really fun in the late 80's, against the law in current day. (how many other things followed that road, hmmm, room for consideration)

-Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe: Six out of five stars. Go see it. Now, run, don't walk.

-You know when missiles are fired from missile silos and subs and there's an all-to-elaborate launch code, double key turn sequence. I'm pretty sure that I'd like to be part of that, not to fire a missile, but maybe to make the blender work. Allyn has to snap the plastic card, get the firing code out of that, say things like Delta, Bravo, Foxtrot, turn both keys that are around our necks. Yeah, that'd be rad. Why did I think of this? No idea. I can only tell you I'll have this idea for another week, and then never again.

-Cranium is still a fantastic game. And I rule the whole game, except for spelling things backwards. Who needs to spell backwards? And no, it doesn't matter if I can spell the words forwards, that's why Allyn is on my team.

-I'm taking suggestions for Christmas Break reading list now. Umm, I mean, I'm not a dork who makes reading lists...I make awesome lists, for all the cool stuff I'm doing on break, like reading, no I mean, training to be an astronaut, teaching monkeys to be ninjas...sigh

- More than finally, check out this fantastic post on my brother's blog. It's probably the easiest way to understand the Ryder brother dynamic. Or something. Wait, I can see Mom shaking her head from here.


Blogger Rob said...

* Cranium IS a fantastic Game. Ro and I love it, I own the original version.

* They made E his middle initial initial because they wanted it to make you smile to say. (true)

* I love your map-thing! I definately stole that from you. I've never heard of anything like it. +1bagillion points for Josh.

1:29 AM  
Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

Whoa, one of your posts disappeared. The one where you talked about Swingers. It's as if it never existed...

11:19 AM  
Blogger Josh said...

Yeah, I had to delete it because Blogger wasn't presenting it in the order that I wanted to, so I deep 6ed it. Why, because you're catching up on back issues?

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How in the world did you see that through your computer? I am AMAZED! Mom

2:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, I have a Christmas reading list too! You're so cool. You're also cool because Allyn is cool. But I digress.

On my Christmas reading list:
Shakespeare's Sonnets again
Into Thin Air by John Krakauer
The New New Journalism


9:20 AM  
Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

The Chronicles of Narnia WAS awesome, but I hear the adaptation of A Horse and His Boy will be pretty boring. So you should probably just stop watching.

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey...i could deal with horse and his boy being slow, but if they mess up the silver chair...dude...they will rue the day!

3:53 PM  

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