Monday, December 19, 2005

Fleeting Thoughts for a Monday

Tim's improv class's show was this weekend, and again, he was the best. Honestly, Lorne Michaels, pick this kid up. Just a few fleeting thoughts to begin the week with, nothing monumental, just toss it around and out the window when you're done. Thoughts are biodegradeble you know.

My newspaper just informed me that it will begin to carry Sudoku daily in the paper. I have since decided that this "puzzle" is the devil, and by "puzzle" I mean that is carries about as much fun as televised knife sharpening. It should be noted that I have never and will never try Sudoku. It will quietly take its place next to things I've given up on. Like hang gliding. See? I told you.

For those of you that don't know, Sudoku is that newest fad straight from Japan, where they give you a 9x9 grid and some given numbers and you have to fill in the rest of the 87 boxes with numbers in order to feel good about yourself. My thoughts? It's just the first phase for world domination, where we will be to busy tearing our hair out trying to complete Thursday's Sudoku, Japan, Google, and Starbucks will calmly overthrow the western world. Casualties will be low, except for papercuts. I expect Starbucks to have an easier time of it because so many people are already there, boring themselves with Sudoku. If the blog's shut down tomorrow, everyone(all seven) will know what happened.

Finally, since we have wireless internet, why can we expand on that technology? Someone convince me why we can't have wireless electricity? You want to use your blender in the garage and there's no outlets? Easy, just turn the blender's antenna on, and you're golden. Who dropped the ball on that one?

Have a pleasant week.


Blogger C_thegreat said...

Sudoku: Started in the US as "number puzzles," but didn't become cool until exported, name changed, then imported back.

We always need someone else to tell us it's cool before we're willing to take the leap.

Me? I'm currently 12 puzzles into my "Brown Belt" book. Only 588 puzzles away from mastering my "black belt" in sudoku.

What do you have against Google? I wouldn't pass a single class without it.


2:21 PM  
Blogger Timmy Tapeworm said...

Thanks for the compliment, bro. It was great to have you guys there. I thought you were going to walk out, but then you didn't. So...thanks.

I, as well, have pledged never to get into Sudoku. I'll kick it old-school with The Jumble, thank you very much.

Wireless electricity...hilarious.

Oh Corazon. You and your math puzzles. Is that what you do while staffing the front desk from 2-7 in the morning? No wonder you stay awake. Bleh.

Google is probably the only corporation in the world that could take over tomorrow and I would be okay with it. After all, their corporate ethics statement is "Don't be evil." Can't argue with that.

1:33 AM  

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