Friday, February 24, 2006

Go Time

Because Tim is the one to travel to furthest for this trivia night, he'll also be receiving most of the guilt when we don't win. He'll come through with some nerd trivia to win in the clutch.
I'm looking to contribute some finer points on the proper technique for mixing motar to secure our lead. Allyn will be in charge of movies and being awesome. Scott will undoubtedly say something ridiculously awkward, followed by silence, which Scott will misinterpret as an invitation to say something awkward, probably about Pokemon, which could easily turn around in our favor.
What is sure to happen, is a big build-up, followed by subsequent blog fallout, name-calling, and spin doctoring as to exactly why Tim lost it for us.
As a matter of fact, I've already got two blogs ready to go, depending if they ask the difference between millipedes and centipedes for the win.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you didn't mention (I'm sure it was accidental) is the important role the senior division will play in tonight's festivities. Not senior as in age, but only in parentage. The Ryder parents and the Putnam parents will be providing expertise in everything from politics to sports to sewing to hippies. Ready, set, go!!

12:09 PM  

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